We are bombarded with strategies for success—whether in business, leadership, or personal growth—that promise to be the 'magic fix' we need.
But the truth is, those strategies, no matter how effective they seem, were developed by someone else, for someone else.
What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.
This is why self-awareness is the real key to growth and fulfillment.
Self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership and purposeful living (Showry & Manasa, 2014) because it's about discovering your strategy. It allows you to truly understand and manage yourself, so you can develop approaches that align with your unique makeup and help you thrive.
Exceptional leaders, regardless of their style, share one common trait: self-awareness. By being honest about their strengths and areas for growth, they make informed decisions, take ownership of their actions, and earn the trust of their teams.
Self-aware leaders seek feedback and reflect on their performance to continually grow. Instead of comparing themselves to others, they focus on being the best version of themselves. This enables them to navigate challenges with empathy, building meaningful relationships with skill and compassion.
Without self-awareness, we risk adopting strategies that aren’t aligned with who we truly are, leading to burnout and frustration. Real progress comes from understanding yourself deeply and crafting your own path forward.
The Benefits of Self-Awareness
Cultivating self-awareness brings profound benefits (Sutton, 2016; London et al., 2022):
Emotional Regulation: Recognize your emotions as they arise. This understanding helps you respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively, leading to better emotional balance and reduced stress.
Increased Confidence: Knowing your unique strengths naturally builds confidence. You become empowered to show up authentically without trying to emulate others.
Freedom from Biases: Self-awareness helps you identify and question your biases. This leads to better decision-making as you consider multiple perspectives.
Improved Relationships: Understanding your motivations enables you to empathize and communicate effectively, building deeper, more genuine connections.
Greater Influence: When you know your triggers, motivations, and values, you gain authentic influence over outcomes, allowing you to leverage your strengths more effectively.
Enhanced Communication: Self-aware individuals are tuned into how their words and actions affect others, leading to better communication and stronger relationships.
So, you may be wondering: How can I become more self-aware? This is where the Enneagram comes in as a powerful self-awareness tool.
A Holistic Strategy for Living and Leading with Purpose
The Enneagram is a powerful and holistic self-awareness tool that stands out from others because it dives into the core motivations, fears, and desires that drive our behaviors.
Unlike other self-awareness methods that might focus solely on identifying behaviors or traits, the Enneagram helps you understand why you think, feel, and act the way you do. This deeper insight allows you to make meaningful changes that align with your true self.
What sets the Enneagram apart is how it provides a personalized growth path. It helps you create a toolkit of strategies that are uniquely suited to your personality—allowing you to grow in a way that feels natural and aligned with your purpose. It guides you toward integrating what you learn into everyday decisions and relationships, helping you live with purpose and lead authentically. When you understand yourself more deeply, you can lead a life that is genuinely aligned with who you are, making a meaningful impact both in your work and in your personal relationships.
For example, a Type 2 may often overextend themselves by helping others, sometimes at the cost of their well-being. Through the Enneagram, they can recognize these tendencies and learn to set healthier boundaries, making sure that they also take care of their own needs. On the other hand, a Type 8, known for their assertiveness, can benefit from understanding how their intensity affects others, allowing them to use their strength in a way that fosters trust and collaboration.
This tool helps you move beyond generic, one-size-fits-all solutions and empowers you to live and lead with true intention, resilience, and clarity.
Take the Next Step
Self-awareness is not a one-time achievement; it’s a continuous journey. If you’re ready to deepen your self-awareness, understand your Enneagram type, and lead with purpose, join the Live and Lead with Purpose Masterclass.
This week only (December 2- December 7th), we're offering a special price of $697 for this transformative six-week journey.
In this masterclass, you’ll uncover your motivations, strengths, and develop strategies tailored specifically for you. Let’s step beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and craft a life that is genuinely true to who you are.
Ready to start?
Secure your discount today by emailing MASTERCLASS to brandy@brandystamper.com
London, M., Sessa, V., Shelley, L. (2022). Developing self-awareness: Learning processes for self- and interpersonal growth. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. 10. 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-120920-044531.
Showry, Mendemu and Manasa, K.V.L., (2014). Self-awareness – Key to effective leadership The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 8(1): 15-26
Sutton A. (2016). Measuring the effects of self-awareness: Construction of the Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire. Eur J Psychol. 12(4): 645-658. doi: 10.5964/ejop.v12i4.1178.